Monday, September 26, 2011

How to Wear a Bib Necklace?

If you want to keep this look very simple, you may think that wearing a bib necklace with a bare neckline that does not touch the breastbone and paired with a solid colored dress is the best way to go. But seriously, can we say boring? Instead of wearing a bib necklace in this fashion, go light on the accessories and wear it with a shirtdress, allowing it to fall over the front of the dress. Yes, the necklace will overlap with the dress, and that is OK! It is more than OK, it is very posh, and the best way to wear these kind of necklaces.

When you want to be a little more casual, the same still applies: make sure that the necklace falls over the top you are wearing. The neckline should be high enough so that the necklace comes over it unless you are wearing a deep neckline and in that case the necklace should be on the bare skin.  Pair a colorful or feathery bib over a fitted tee, boyfriend jeans and flats that bring out a color that is in the necklace.

The really lacy bibs that include silks, satins and delicate beads should be worn to really accentuate your femininity. Pair these bibs with a pretty satin blouse, skinny jeans and a sexy pair of heels. For a dressier affair, keep this look, but replace the jeans with a stunning tweed skirt and tights. Wear a pair of small earrings such as pearls and you have the finished product.

A bib necklace is a wonderful piece of jewelry because it has so much to offer an outfit. Just remember that this type of necklace is best when worn close to the neckline or on top of the shirt and you should never try to overpower the bib. It is best to stay away from wearing ruffles, lots of patterns and colors when you are sporting this type of neckline.

To find a wide assortment of fashion bib and statement necklaces for $20 and under try Elite Choice at:


  1. I really enjoyed this atricle! How not to destroy a strong piece. Great Job

  2. hehehe, EXACTLY! The accessory is the outfit, sort of speak.
